The Importance of Shadow Work

Our shadow self is our dark side or the side of ourselves that we have denied. Most of us view this part of ourselves as negative, and we don't want to embrace it, but if you are on the path to spiritual fulfillment, then shadow work is an important part of your journey. When we... Continue Reading →

I am a Witch

I am one with the night when dancing beneath the moonlight I am the forest and the glade with flowers running through my braid I know every herb and flower and of their healing power I know the turning of the wheel and the changes I will feel I have the wisdom of those long... Continue Reading →

Isle in the Mist

Isle in the Mist Deep within the mist you will find an ancient isle hidden from the eyes of mankind The wisdom within is vast and old an ancient storehouse of truths untold Her priestess holds the world at bay lest the isle's magic be stolen away For the mysteries they hold are dark and... Continue Reading →

Supermoon Tarot Spread

  I typically perform tarot magic on a full moon for something that I want, but this supermoon I focused my magic on change and justice. For too long in America black people have dealt with police brutality while no officers are held accountable. The time for change is now and we can all do... Continue Reading →

Reconnecting to Spirit

    Lately, I have been feeling disconnected as though I have lost my way on my path. I haven't felt the connection to the universe that I once felt but I decided to do a full moon spread, albeit reluctantly. I decided that since I have been feeling a disconnect that I should ask... Continue Reading →

As the Wheel Turns to Spring

Spring is here and with it comes a new cycle of life. It is a time of birth and new beginnings but for many, this may not feel like spring. Due to the current outbreak of COVID-19, many people around the globe are quarantined in their homes. There is a lot of fear and uncertainty... Continue Reading →

Finding Your Pagan Path

,The craft and paganism can be very personal for some and a way to honor one's ancestors and traditions. Many witches and pagans today incorporate family and cultural traditions, as well as traditions outside of their ethnic or cultural backgrounds. However, there are some important things to remember as you find your path. Is it... Continue Reading →

Temple Fragrance

In the house of the Gods all through the air the sweet, smell of incense burns through the air leaving trails of smoke that soon melt until all that is left is a faint, fading fragrance *Original poetry by Wadadli Witch Hazel

Samhain Night

Samhain night is here The most blessed night of the year When the veil between the worlds is thin And we welcome our loved ones to come in Come forth Come forth Come forth from the dark Where your family sits around the hearth Awaiting you to come forth On this most hallowed eve we... Continue Reading →

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