Decolonizing Your Craft

It can be hard to break free of colonial thinking and indoctrination. Our society is inundated with colonial ideas and ways of life. This has affected the spiritual community and has sometimes made practicing magic difficult. If you seek to reclaim your power and ancestral rights, here are a few ways to decolonize your craft.... Continue Reading →

Witchy Self-Care

2020 was an awful year, but 2021 is not off to a great start. Many of us have been glued to the tv for the past week and are stressed and anxious. During these times of heightened emotions, taking care of our mental health is vital. Here are a few witchy self-care tips to help... Continue Reading →

Cleansing Your Altar Tools

Cleansing your magical tools is necessary before doing any spellwork. The success of your spell or ritual will depend on if your tools are cleansed well. Example: Imagine that you have a piece of paper that you have written on. You want to reuse it so you erase everything, but you can still see the... Continue Reading →

Urban Witchcraft

Being an urban witch can be difficult if you feel nature calling to you. Green spaces are not always easy to come by, and being in a concrete jungle does not feel very magical. However, if nature is important to you, then there are a few ways to help bring nature to you. Remember, nature... Continue Reading →

Turning Everyday Things into Magic

Magic is everywhere, and we can add a little bit more of it into our lives if we incorporate everyday things into our magical practice. Here are a few ways we can turn everyday moments into magical ones. Showering Turn your shower into a cleansing spell. If I'm feeling sluggish in the morning, which I... Continue Reading →

How to Connect to Your Ancestors

Connecting to your ancestors is a wonderful way to gain spiritual insight and deepen your connection to your higher self. Our ancestors have earthly experiences and the wisdom of the other side that we can learn from. If you're unsure of where to start in your communication, here are a few ways that you can... Continue Reading →

The Ethical Witch

Witchcraft and magic cross cultural backgrounds and various walks of life. Practicing magic can be empowering and liberating, but it is important to remember that what you do in your craft can and does affect others. These are a few things to consider when approaching your craft ethically. Selling your wares Whether you're an artist,... Continue Reading →

How to Create Your Grimoire

Find a book Find a book that is visually appealing to you. This is where you will keep your spells and other things pertaining to magic so it is important to like what your grimoire looks like. If you're unable to find a book that fits your ideal then decorate your book to fit your... Continue Reading →

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